School Uniform

Our uniform is based on some helpful input from parents and pupils through our Smart School Council, who were able to discuss their ideas and look at uniform samples at our School Council Surgery. This information helped to finalise our plans for uniform.

Our aims

  • For pupils to wear a uniform that is fit for purpose, enabling all children to fully participate in our active, child centred curriculum, which has been designed specifically to support physical and mental wellbeing. (In Key Stage 1 and 2 this includes a minimum of 2 hours PE and 3 hours 45 minutes of OPAL play a week. In EYFS, children are active, indoors and out for sustained periods daily.)
  • For pupils to look smart and to feel proud to be a member of the Bradshaw School Community.
  • For pupils to feel happy and comfortable in their uniform.
  • For parents to feel happy with the uniform their child is wearing.

Uniform choices

Above are images outlining two choices.

On the left hand side of the page, is our multipurpose, recommended OPAL and PE friendly uniform.

On the right hand side of the page is the more traditional uniform (please note that this option requires an additional purchase of PE items such as jogging bottoms, shorts/ skort and plain black trainers)

In addition, there is also an essential outdoor uniform compromising wellies and waterproofs for all pupils.

We hope that this gives children and parents alike sufficient choice, whilst maintaining a sense of belonging and pride at being a member of the Bradshaw family but also allowing us to pursue our child –centred, active curriculum.

Whatever your choice of uniform, all items need to be clearly named.

Not allowed

In order to achieve our aims and to provide clarity for parents, we have also outlined items of clothing that are not an acceptable part of our school uniform. We request that you do not send children in the following items of clothing/ footwear.


Sports Branded Items including trainers

Brightly coloured trainers

Fashion shoes that that are not secure and sturdy e.g ballet pumps, slip- ons and sandals.


Jewellery (apart from stud earrings, 1 in each ear)

Smart Watches

Large Hair Accessories.

School Uniform Policy

Uniform can be purchased from : 

Shaw Hardcastle

20 Commercial St, Halifax HX1 1TA

01422 353949