Child on Child abuse

Children can and sometimes do abuse other children. Sometimes safeguarding issues can manifest
themselves via child on child abuse. This is most likely to include, but not limited to: bullying (including
cyber bullying), gender-based violence/sexual assaults, sexting and initiation type violence. Staff are
clear that whilst these may be responded to through behaviour management processes, there is also
a need for this information to be shared with the Senior DSL in order to address the underlying
safeguarding concerns.

‘Upskirting’ is also recognised as a form of child on child  abuse.
‘Upskirting’ typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without them knowing, with the
intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim
humiliation, distress or alarm.’
It is a criminal offence and may also constitute sexual harassment.

School staff are particularly vigilant of students with identified Special Educational Needs and/or
Disabilities who may be particularly vulnerable to child on child abuse.

Such behaviour should never be considered as ‘banter’ or part of growing up. Peer on peer abuse
often meets the threshold for the recording and investigation of criminal offences by the Police.

Staff becoming aware of any incident of child on child abuse must follow the normal safeguarding
process and Child Protection procedures, passing this information to the Senior Designated
Safeguarding Lead (DSL) immediately. The Senior DSL will then assess this information and where
necessary make appropriate referrals to MAST and potentially the Police should criminal offences be

Child on child allegations that do not meet the threshold for police investigation will be subject of
internal school investigation by the Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead and/or senior leaders at the
school. This will involve speaking to the victim and any witnesses to secure accounts of the allegation.
All findings including any additional information secured, will be considered when making decisions
around resolution of the allegation. Outcomes may involve application of the school behaviour policy.

School recognise that victims of child on child abuse need to be supported and with parental consent,
may secure external agency support where this is deemed appropriate.

School recognise that perpetrators of peer on peer abuse may have identified un-met needs of their
own and with parental consultation, may secure external agency support where this is deemed