Bradshaw Buddies

At Bradshaw Buddies we give parents and carers the opportunity to leave their children in a safe and caring environment.

To the children, we offer a chance to make new friends. They get to play in an environment that is tailored to their needs and that is safe, but also gives them freedom to explore learning and experiencing new things.

Our club is based in the Infant School Hall, which accommodates many varied activities. 

The outdoor area has a large playground and grass area where the children may use equipment to play many games such as football, cricket, tennis, rounders etc.

At Buddies we like to play games, take part in treasure hunts, build dens together, play hide and seek.

Other activities include baking, modroc, glass painting, sewing and much much more!

Morning Sessions

From 7:30 am                                                    £6.00 (includes breakfast)           

From 8:15 am                                                    £4.50 (includes breakfast)           

Afternoon Sessions

First Hour - or any part of (3:15 pm to 4:15 pm)  £5.50                                      

Full Session (3:15 pm to 6:00 pm)  £11.50 (includes tea)               


Bradshaw Buddies Out of School Club Monthly Contract

Bradshaw Buddies Monthly Contracts are issued yearly and run from September to July. Contracts are calculated by how many of each session your child will attend (minus any holidays) and then the yearly amount is divided by 11 monthly payments, September to July.


Payments can be made by the options below:

ParentPay - using the 'Bradshaw Buddies Monthly Contract' tab 

Standing Order  - please ring the office or pop in for a form

Tax Free Childcare by visiting:

Childcare Vouchers - please speak to your work place HR department for further information


Bradshaw Buddies Out of School Club Adhoc Session Bookings

To book adhoc sessions, please visit ParentPay and choose which one of the four daily sessions you require. The booking system allows bookings to be made well in advance. However, If you are booking at short notice we ask for a minimum of 24 hours notice before the required slot to enable school to process bookings. No bookings will be taken after this period. This will be the only way to book and pay for adhoc sessions, please do not ring the office to try to add on to sessions. 

To guarantee that your child has a place on your required session, Bradshaw Buddies contracts are still advisable. The booking system allows adhoc sessions but there are a limited number and unfortunately there will be times when we are full and unable to accommodate all requests.

Bradshaw Buddies Booking Form

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